1981 - First match 3 April, 1981 v McEntee
1981-83 London League Division II
1982 Tour to Paris (Les Ulis)
1983 Floodlighting installed
1983-84 London League Division I
1983 Tour to Italy (Venice Sevens)
1984-86 London League Division II
1985 First social club opened
1985 Tour to Paris (Les Ulis)
1986-88 Midlands & South West League
1987 Clubhouse extension opened
1988 Tour to Holland (International Tournament)
1988-91 London League Division I
1990 Fulltime Development Manager appointed(Chris Tate)
1991 CASHLINE lottery launched
1991-93 Rugby League Alliance - Division II
1992 New social club opened
1992 Tour to Provence(Magic Ball Tournament)
1993-96 National Conference League Premier Division
1993 Tour to Provence(Magic Ball Tournament)
1994 New changing rooms opened
1996-97 London League Division I
1997-98 Rugby League Alliance First Division
1999 Entered Rugby League Conference
2000 RLC Eastern Division Champions
2001 RLC Harry Jepson Trophy Semi-Finalists,RLC Eastern Counties Cup Winners, RLC Central Southern Champions
2002 RLC Harry Jepson Trophy Grand Finalists, RLC Central Southern Champions
2003 Entered National League Three
2005 Entered Northern Rail National Cup
2006 Grand Finalists National League Three
2006 Awarded Club Mark status at the Super League Grand Final
2007 Rugby League Conference National playoffs
2009 Rugby League Conference National playoffs
2010 Rugby League Conference National playoffs
2010 Awarded Club Mark Gold Status
2011 Official Opening of new Facilities
2012 Rugby League Conference National Grand Final Winners
2013 Joined Championship/National League 1
2018 Withdrew From National League 1
2019 Joined Southernn Conference League